Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Overheard one of my favorite things about Facebook now is looking at the posts that are put in this group that I am in called "Overheard at UNC." Basically, what people do is post random things that they hear while being on campus at sometime during the day. To me, most of theses posts are absolutely hilarious!! (MOST...definitely not all). They range from lunch discussion to comments about how much we despise Duke. Here's a few of the recent ones to help you get an idea:

"...Africa, the most commonly cited third world country."

Girl taking her Macbook to ITS: "It won't turn on."
ITS Guy: "Have you tried charging it?"
Girl: "But it's a Mac."

"I'm a feminist, so I can do whatever I want."

"Chess is just a weird version of checkers, right?"

....I think you get the picture. If we really think about it, though, we all can have some very interesting conversations throughout the day! And, if anything, such a group as "Overheard at UNC" is proof that people around you DO take notice to what it is you are saying! So what does Scripture have to say about this?: Well, Ephesians 4:29 says: "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."

What if, as Christians, we took this message to heart? What if we watched every single thing that we said so that it would only build up His kingdom? What if we were Overheard?....would it truly benefits those who are hearing the words that we have to say?

I challenge us all to approach all of our day-to-day conversations in this way. Let's act as though non-believers might be overhearing us. Let's let our words be a true reflection of our faith. ....because there's a chance that what you happen to say is the only representation of Christ some people may ever see.

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