Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Making Time For God

Okay! one thing that God has really been working on my heart with lately is spending time with Him. Ever since I started college two years ago, I have constantly struggled with setting time aside to get in God's Word and spend time in prayer with Him. Of course, my excuse is about as lame as everyone else's is: Life just gets so busy! Between classes, work, homework, studying, and everything in's hard to set aside time to spend alone with God!

Disclaimer: I KNOW how ridiculous that sounds. I think that actually seeing the words should help us to see how ridiculous it actually is that we sometimes do not "make time" to spend with God.

But anyways...

The Bible makes it very clear that we are to be constantly seeking God and His Word. An example from Scripture comes from Romans 10:17, which says: "So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the Word of Christ."

Now, my devotional thought for today isn't just to state the obvious in that we need to be constantly seeking God's Truth. Rather, I would like us to take a step back from this notion that we need to "make time for God."

If we claim to be Christians, then we should not be "making time for God." Our salvation through Christ Jesus is something that should be present in every aspect of our life.: In our attitudes. In the way that we dress. In the way that we talk to people. In the way that we carry ourselves. In the way that we behave. In the things in which we invest our time into. ...the list goes on and on.

If we are serious about our faith and about what all God has blessed us with, our time with God would be constant throughout our lives! We would desire to want to be in His Word. We would desire to want to have conversations with Him on a day-to-day basis. We would want our entire lifestyle to be devoted to a life made up of time spent and dedicated to Him.

Let's not "make time"....let's give all of our time over to Him.

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